Milling machine AXA VHC 3 - 3000M

Vertical machining center

AXA VHC 3 - 3000M 01
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AXA VHC 3 - 3000M 02
AXA VHC 3 - 3000M 03
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AXA VHC 3 - 3000M 08

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Used Vertical machining center AXA VHC 3 - 3000M

Vertical machining center
Machine type:Axa VHC 3 - 3000 M
Control:Heidenhain iTNC 530
X-Axis: [mm]2.940 / 2 x 1.220
Y-Axis: [mm]900
Z-Axis: [mm]950
Panning head- 90 / + 90°,
Spindle speeds: [rpm]35 - 8.000
Spindle power: [kW]20
Tool:SK 40
Tool capacity:2 x 22 (44)
Table size: [mm]3.890 x 800
NC rotary tableRTA4S800
Chip conveyor
Caliper3 D, Renishaw MP 10 E
cooling system
paper band filterSA 25/600, 20 bar
Electronical handwheelHeidenhain HR 410

Used Vertical machining center AXA VHC 3 - 3000M

Vertical machining center
Machine type:Axa VHC 3 - 3000 M
Control:Heidenhain iTNC 530
AXA VHC 3 - 3000M 02
X-Axis: [mm]2.940 / 2 x 1.220
Y-Axis: [mm]900
Z-Axis: [mm]950
Panning head- 90 / + 90°,
Spindle speeds: [rpm]35 - 8.000
Spindle power: [kW]20
Tool:SK 40
Tool capacity:2 x 22 (44)
Table size: [mm]3.890 x 800
NC rotary tableRTA4S800
Chip conveyor
Caliper3 D, Renishaw MP 10 E
cooling system
paper band filterSA 25/600, 20 bar
Electronical handwheelHeidenhain HR 410

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